School Blog
Learning, Transforming and Growing
‘I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.’ Genesis 28:15
‘I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.’ Genesis 28:15
Children from Owls and Merlins had a science day on Friday! They completed 4 enquiries to help them understand more about Earth and space. They all worked incredibly hard exploring new concepts and interrogating evidence - well done!
We have started developing our ball skills in our PE lessons this week, focusing on controlling the ball with our feet and dribbling the ball. We played lots of fun games to ear house points and made huge progress in controlling the ball!
Fledglings have definitely had a fantasic start to 2025 and have started the new term with lots of curiosity, learning, discovery and creativity. It has been wonderful to see lots of smiley faces and excitement as we begin our new project 'One Small Step'. We have had a space WOW day, created planets, used our phonics skills to write brilliant labels, made rockets with shapes and explore the ice outside!
We can't wait to see what this week has in store... The Swallows in Year 2 are dribbling their way to success in PE! 🏀 Great teamwork and fantastic eye-hand coordination skills were seen today. Keep up the fantastic work!
The Swallows have been working very hard in their maths this and last week. In year 2, we have been learning how to use counters and tens frames to help support our learning in adding and subtracting one digit numbers from 2 digit numbers when bridging by 10! :)
The house with the most points this term was...BOUGHTON! Well done! As a reward, they enjoyed extra OPAL time and an ice lolly! Next term's reward is a winter film with biscuits AND hot chocolate. I wonder which house will demonstrate our values and claim the top spot in Autumn 2...
Starlings have had great fun in forest school this week! The joy on their faces was beautiful to see! Thank you Mrs Garcia 🥰
In response to National Poetry Day, the Merlins explored 2 poems , "Sun is Laughing" and "Sadness is Grey"; we looked at how words can be used to create a mood and paint a picture. We were so inspired that we created our own poem as a class. It explores our zones of regulation and is titled "Zones Are..."
Zones Are Red is angry like a volcano exploding, It looks like a boxer's glove and feels like fire. Anger smells like smoke, and sounds like nails on a chalk board. Anger tastes like burnt toast Fizzy is yellow like lemon sherbet, It looks like mentos in a glass of Fanta and feels like bouncing on a trampoline. Fizzy smells like undiluted squash, and sounds like sizzling sausages. Fizzy tastes like sour popping candy. Sadness in blue like a rainy Monday morning, It looks like a deflated balloon and feels like a friend moving away. Sadness smells like a wet dog, and sounds like sirens in the night. Sadness tastes like soap. Happiness is green like a forest, It looks like a trickling stream and feels like heaven. Happiness smells like roses and sounds like birds singing. Happiness tastes like chocolate. The Year 2, did a fantastic job of completing their COJOS mission this week! Not only were they able to show real determination and perseverance but also fantastic team working skills. Well done Swallows!
In Science this week we have been learning about plant reproduction. We took a really close look at some flowers, drew detailed diagrams and labelled the parts. |