JLGB meetings take place four times a year. The minutes of the previous meeting are approved at each meeting and a copy filed in the school office. We are keen that parents receive as much information as possible about what the governors are doing. Obviously some aspects of the LGB's business contain confidential (specific pupil, financial or HR information) so, in such cases, the discussion will be recorded separately as confidential minutes. However, the non-confidential minutes are available to view in the office retrospectively as they are approved.
The governing body will at times elect sub-committees to look at certain projects and are where much of the detailed discussion takes place. These meet across the year, scheduled to coincide with data points in the school assessment cycle, budget approval dates etc, and provide reports to the LGB with recommendations. Minutes of the sub-committees are not posted on the website due to the specific and sensitive nature of the discussion, but are filed in the school office.