Wake Up - Shake Up Breakfast Club is available every term time morning from 7.30am - 8.30am
Activities have been developed to ensure there is a balance between educational, creative and active opportunities. Activities include: board games, arts and crafts, construction play, and much more.
Spaces need to be booked in advance, however emergency vacancies may be possible at short notice of there are vacancies but payment will still need to be made in advance. Payment of fees The cost of this service is £3.50 per day, including breakfast and activities. For families where 3 or more siblings attend breakfast club there may be a reduced rate. Please speak to the office staff for details.
If your child receives means tested Free School Meals, they may be entitled to attend the club at a reduced rate. Please speak to the office staff about this.
The service is run on the same basis as a child care provider and payment will still need to be made even if your child does not attend as a place has been reserved for them. If the club does not run due to school closure/staff absence you will be credited the cost of the session/s your child was not able to attend. We look forward to welcoming your child to our popular and happy Breakfast club. We are confident that your child will enjoy their time at our club and you can be reassured that they will be receiving a good breakfast.
A useful website informing you about the daily lifestyle choices we need to make to keep ourselves healthy.