The Local Governing Board (LGB) of St Mary's CofE School have an important role to play in supporting our Headteacher and the team with the strategic leadership of our school. Our aim is to actively support and promote high quality education for all the pupils and to value and support the rich diversity of our community at the heart of Banbury. We have high expectations for all of our pupils and staff and we work to support and challenge them to fulfill their potential within our vision of 'Learning, Transforming, Growing'.
There is a balance of Governors appointed as Foundation Governors by the Diocese of Oxford; Parent Governors, appointed by the parents of pupils in the school and Co-opted Governors, appointed for to their professional skills, community or business links to the school. The incumbent Vicar of St Mary’s is Ex-Officio Governor and a Staff Governor and the Headteacher complete the Local Governing Board (LGB)
Governors take an active interest in all aspects of school; visiting learning, meeting staff, attending school events and meeting with the Head and senior team to support and challenge the strategic direction of school. We work with the senior officers and Trustees of Oxfordshire Diocesan Trust (ODST) and with the Oxfordshire Diocesan Board of education (ODBE) as well as colleagues in other Trusts and the Local Authority to continue to grow and develop St Mary's position within the education community.
We work within the distinctly Christian Values of Compassion, Truth, Endurance and Koinonia to ensure that children who leave St Mary's take with them a sense of self-worth, confidence and high levels of achievement. We recruit the very best teachers and support staff and ensure that they are well equipped to provide for the needs of all the children across the curriculum and to offer high levels of cultural capital to ensure all our pupils experience a rich and diverse education during their time at St Mary's.
Governors can be contacted through the school office.