Aims |
KS1 |
LKS2 |
UKS2 |
To understand the nature, role and influence of religion and other worldviews locally, nationally and globally, pupils: |
Show basic knowledge and understanding of Christianity and at least one, at most two, other faiths, exploring similarities and differences between religions |
Show knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other faiths and beliefs, and can explain what difference faith makes in family life. |
Understand what it means to belong to a religious community and the influence religious faith has on individuals and communities |
To reflect on questions of meaning, purpose and value pupils: |
Reflect on personal experience and say how it is linked to feelings and opinions. |
Think about what influences our beliefs and lifestyle and the way we see things.. |
Explore what different religions and other worldviews say about meaning, purpose and value |
To formulate reasoned opinion and argument pupils: |
Give an opinion , with one or more reasons, based on appropriate factual knowledge and understanding. |
Give a relevant opinion, exploring valid reasons for and against an opinion, showing a basic understanding of some beliefs. |
Explain how beliefs influence attitudes, way of life and behaviour; Express and justify their own beliefs and opinions and listen sensitively to those of others; Distinguish between valid and invalid arguments. |