One aspect of our Health and Wellbeing cog is Physical Education (PE) through which we strive to provide children with a curriculum which inspires them to actively take part and progress in a range of physical activities embedding a desire to be active and healthy for life. At St Mary’s, supporting and developing a child’s physical health and mental wellbeing is as important to us as improving their academic performance therefore it is a vital cog that runs through our curriculum.
Physical Education and School Sport
The aim of our PE curriculum at St Mary’s is to equip children with the knowledge, skills and motivation to lead an active, healthy lifestyle and develop a love of physical activity and sports. We strive to provide children with a curriculum which inspires them to actively take part and progress in a range of physical activities with our school Christian values at the centre of everything we do. We want our children to have the confidence, competence and understanding to apply their skills across a breadth of different activities, sports and other life skills.
Our focus as children begin their journey in our early years foundation stage is on developing their fundamental movement skills and agility, balance and coordination. As our children transition to key stage 1 we build on these skills, as stated in the National Curriculum. They will experience a broad range of opportunities to develop their motor and fundamental movement skills as well as acquiring basic game-playing skills and knowledge, for example throwing and catching and spatial awareness. As children reach lower key stage 2, they progress to applying these skills in a range of contexts, learning how to use them in a wide range of different games, sports, dance and gymnastics. In upper key stage 2, children begin to take control of their own physical development by assessing their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their knowledge and skills linked to different areas of the PE curriculum. Our children learn the importance of communication and cooperation as well as learning how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Across the school, we ensure that all children have access to at least two hours of PE a week. We use Complete PE to support the planning, delivery and assessment of our PE lessons. We map out our long term plans which incorporate a broad and balanced variety of activities to ensure all children develop their PE skills over time as well as their confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own strengths and weaknesses as well as others. As well as our curriculum provision we provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curriculum activities after school. In addition to our curriculum and after school provision, we also take part in competitions and festivals within the North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership (NOSSP).
Impact Our PE curriculum will enable our children to transform and grow into adults who understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. They will have experienced a range of different sports and activities and developed their communication and team work skills. Pupil voice shows that pupils are confident and are able to enthusiastically talk about their PE curriculum and talk about what they have learnt. Pupils are also able to talk about what they enjoy about PE and what they have found challenging and how they overcame those challenges. We use Complete PE to track progress, which shows that pupils are being taught PE at an age-appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities to support children who need additional support and those who are working at greater depth. Externa measures are also used to assess the impact of our PE curriculum. We have been awarded the Silver standard for The Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark which demonstrates that our PE, School Sport and Physical Activity provision is of a good standard. We have also been awarded the Silver School Games Mark Award, which reflects our commitment to the development of competition across the school and into the community as well as our commitment to ensuring children have active and healthy lifestyles.